Helix commands

Find and replace

Press % to select all the text

Then s and type the text you want to select and replace the text Then c to replace it.

Try the example:

Replace the python python python python

Collapsing the selection

Type ; to collapse selections to single cursors.

Sometimes, you want to deselect without having to move the cursor(s). This can be done using the ; key.

  1. Move the cursor to the line marked '-->' below.
  2. Use the motions you have learned to move around the line, and try using ; to deselect the text after it is selected by the motions.

--> This is an error-free line with words to move around in.

Note: This works the same in Select mode. Note: Another related command is Alt-; which flips selections.

words and WORDS

Some common motions include: w - Move forward to before the beginning of the next word. e - Move forward to the end of the current word. b - Move backward to the beginning of the current word.

Change command

Type c to change the current selection.

The change command deletes the current selection and enters Insert mode, so it is a very common shorthand for di.

Yank and paste

Type y to yank (copy) the selection.

Type p to paste the yanked selection after the cursor.

Type P to paste the yanked text before the cursor.

Cut and paste

Type d to delete and yank the selection

Type p to paste teh yanked selection after the cursor.

Searching a file

Type / to search forward in file, Enter to confirm search.

Type n to go to the next search match.

Type N to go to the previous search match.

Multiple cursor

Type capital C to duplicate the cursor to the next suitable line. Type , to remove the cursor.

Align selections

Type & to align the contents of the selections.

  1. Move the cursor to the first line marked '-->' below. Place the cursor on the whitespace just after the arrow.
  2. Type C four times or 4C.
  3. Type W to select the numbers and brackets.
  4. Type & to align the words.
--> 97) lorem
--> 98) ipsum
--> 99) dolor
--> 100) sit
--> 101) amet

Note: & only cares about the alignment of the "head" of the selections - the end that moves. The other end is called the "anchor".

Replace with yanked text

Type R to replace the selection with previously yanked text.

Space + R to replace selections by clipboard contents

  1. Move the cursor to the line marked '-->' below.
  2. Type w to select "watermelons" and then y to yank it.
  3. Select "oranges" with w.
  4. Type R to replace "oranges" with "watermelons"

--> I like watermelons because oranges are refreshing. I like watermelons because watermelons are refreshing.

Joining lines together

Type J to join together lines in selection.

Select lines and type J

Changing case

Type ~ to switch the case of all selected letters.

Type ` to set all selected letters to lowercase.

Press Alt-` to set all selected letters to uppercase.

Renaming file

You can write the file in the current buffer with a new name :w new_name and then call :sh rm old_name

Goto line number

Enter to command mode with :

type :g 100

100 is the line number

Ctrl-u, Move cursor and page half page up, page_cursor_half_up

Ctrl-d, Move cursor and page half page down, page_cursor_half_down


Press g in Normal mode

g, start of the file

e, Go to the end of the file, goto_last_line

d, Go to definition (LSP), goto_definition

y, Go to type definition (LSP), goto_type_definition

r, Go to references (LSP), goto_reference

i, Go to implementation (LSP), goto_implementation

Window mode

Accessed by typing Ctrl-w in normal mode.

w, Ctrl-w, Switch to next window, rotate_view

v, Ctrl-v, Vertical right split, vsplit

s, Ctrl-s, Horizontal bottom split, hsplit

Copy Error

yank-diagnostic in command mode

Diagnostic picker

space-D does show all diaganostics