Podman Tutorial
Installation command
sudo apt install podman
podman machine init
podman machine start
podman info
podman version
Custom container and Registry Configuration
Registries file
Every time you try to connect the registries, this file is used.
You can also create a separate file in your user directory
mkdir .config/containers
hx .config/containers/registries.conf
unqualified-search-registries = ['docker.io', 'ghrc.io', 'quay.io']
Podman search registries
podman search <image_name>
podman search ubuntu
Pulling a container image
podman search <image_name>
podman pull <image_name>
podman images
podman search ubuntu
podman pull docker.io/library/ubuntu
Running a container image
podman run -it <image_name>
podman ps
podman ps -a
-it flag tells podman to allocate a virtual terminal session within the container.
To remove the container after execution
podman run -it -rm <image_name>
podman ps shows only the container that are currently running.
To see all containers, including those that are not running use -a flag.
podman run -it ubuntu
ls : to view the folders
exit: to exit from the container
You can also stop the container by pressing Ctrl+C
Since we didn't specified the name using the flag -name, podman generated a name for us.
Best practice is not assign name, let podman assign the name to avoid conflits
Working with Containers
podman run --name <container_name> -p ext_port:int_porst <container_image>
// This start the container in detached mode, this means it runs in background
podman start <container_name>
podman inspect <container_name>
// List all ports mapping in the container
podman port <container_name>
// To stop the container
podman stop <container_name>
// Remove the container
podman rm <container_name>
// Remove the container image, specify the image id
podman rmi <container_image>
// Check all the images in the system
podman images
// To get list of all commands
podman --help
Buidling a Container Image
hx Dockerfile
podmand build -t <image_name> .
podman run --name <container_name> -p 8080:8080 <image_name>:<tag>
podman run --name pdm-golang -p 8080:8080 pdm-golang:latest
Sharing a container images
podman login <registry_name>
podman build -t <username>/<image_name> .
podman push <username>/<container_name>
Use dockerhub
podman login docker.io
podman build -t reaudito/pdm-golang .
podman push reaudito/pdm-golang
podman search pdm-golang
podman pull docker.io/reaudito/pdm-golang
Building Pod with Podman
Pod are similar to kubernetes pods. They provide a way for applications to be organized and scaled within a Kubernets cluster.
Kubernetes API objects such as Deployments, ReplicaSets, and StatefulSets are used to manage them.
podman pod --help
// Create a new empty pod
podman pod create --name <pod_name>
// List all created pods
podman pod ls
// List all the containers in the pod
podman ps -a --pod
Pods are a group of one or more containers sharing the same network, pid and ipc namespaces.
// Don't use podman name to avoid conflit, let podman assign it.
podman pod create --name pdm-golang-pod
podman pod ls
You can see there is one container inside the pod pdm-golang-pod, but you created a empty pod, because podmand automatically added a infra container. Allow you to add container in the pod and also start and stop containers within the Pod by keeping the Pod running.
Default infra container is based on the image k8s.gcr.io/pause
You can display it
podman ps -a --pod
Working with containers inside a Pod with Podman
podman run -dt --pod <pod_name> <container_image_name>
podman pod start <pod_name>
podman pod stop <pod_name>
podman pod rm <pod_name>
podman run -dt -pod pdm-golang-pod pdm-golang
Even if container is inside the pod, you can use all the avaiable commands to work with containers.
// List all the pods
podman pod ls
podman pod stop pdm-golang-pod
podman pod start pdm-golang-pod
podman pod stop pdm-golang-pod
podman pod rm pdm-golang-pod