A dystopian school: what does it look like?

Schools where Students must be obedient

Schools often prioritize teaching students to be obedient, but disobedience has its own significance. While disobedience stemming from ignorance can be harmful, it also plays a crucial role in safeguarding democracy and handling authority's unfairness. As Dr. Gene Sharp notes in "The Politics of Nonviolent Action," "The most important single quality of any government, without which it would not exist, must be the obedience and submission of its subjects. Obedience is at the heart of political power."

The reason obedience is regarded as the "heart of political power" is straightforward: if people refuse to obey, the ruler cannot maintain control. This insight is the foundation of strategies for nonviolent struggle. Nonviolent resistance methods, employed through actions and campaigns, aim to withdraw the support that people provide to those in power. By understanding the importance of disobedience, individuals can develop effective ways to challenge unjust authority and promote positive change.

Disobedience is important in every institution, as it allows individuals to challenge unfairness and corruption. Examples include fighting for equal pay, resisting exploitation of employees as wage slaves, protesting against institutions that harm society through environmental pollution, advocating for women's rights, and advocating for disability rights, among many other causes.

Schools: Emotionally Unsafe for Students

Making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process. Errors, recognized and corrected, are essential for growth and understanding. In fact, research shows that mistakes are a crucial aspect of how our brains learn and develop. However, in many schools, mistakes are met with punishment or humiliation, creating an emotionally unsafe environment for students.

Although physical punishment is now illegal, many schools have turned to humiliation as a means of discipline. This approach can be just as damaging, eroding students' confidence and self-esteem.

Punishment or humiliation for mistakes, and making them high-stakes through grading, can inadvertently create a culture of fear, rather than fostering a love of learning.

Rather than punishing or humiliating students for mistakes, schools should focus on creating a safe and supportive environment where children feel encouraged to take risks, experiment, and learn from their errors. By doing so, we can help students develop a growth mindset, build resilience, and cultivate a lifelong love of learning.

Children are not miniature adults

Children are not miniature adults, and it's unrealistic to expect them to behave as such. Yet, we often punish them for not meeting our adult expectations, forgetting that they are still learning and growing. But what if we let go of these expectations and allowed children to simply be children? What if we gave them the space to explore, to make mistakes, and to learn at their own pace? By doing so, we would be acknowledging that childhood is a unique and valuable stage of life, one that deserves to be cherished and respected. Let us allow children to remain children, with all their curiosity, energy, and wonder, and not try to rush them into adulthood before their time.

Discrimination between Toppers and Low Scorers: A Form of Social Stratification

Some schools perpetuate a form of social stratification by discriminating between high-achieving students (toppers) and low scorers. This can be seen in the practice of separating students into different classrooms based on their grades. However, it's essential to remember that success is not solely determined by intelligence quotient (IQ), but rather by grit and perseverance.

Research has shown that grit is either unrelated to or inversely correlated with intelligence, meaning that it's not necessarily the brightest students who achieve the most. Instead, it's the students who are willing to put in the effort and persist in the face of challenges who tend to succeed.

It's crucial that students of all abilities learn together and from each other, fostering a growth mindset and healthy companionship. This is because our social relationships have a profound impact on our moral compass and values. The company we keep can shape who we become and influence our behavior.

For example, if we surround ourselves with people who gossip and engage in mean-spirited behavior, we're more likely to become spiteful and cruel. On the other hand, if our friends are ambitious and supportive, we're more likely to dare to dream big. Similarly, if our friends value education and learning, we're more likely to prioritize these things as well.

Gifted Children and CRISPR-baby scandal

Using terms like "gifted children" and separating them from others is a form of pseudoscience that bears an uncomfortable resemblance to eugenics and "CRISPR-baby scandal". This approach can be seen as a form of racism, as it implies that some individuals are inherently superior to others based on their genetic makeup. However, human genetics is far more complex, and it operates on the principle of trade-offs. While an individual may excel in one area, this often comes at the expense of other important traits. In other words, being exceptionally good at one thing may be offset by weaknesses in other areas. By labeling children as "gifted," we are oversimplifying the complexities of human genetics and neglecting the fact that every individual has a unique set of strengths and weaknesses.

Schools with No Coeducation: A Breeding Ground for Stereotypes

Schools that separate boys from girls are inadvertently perpetuating another form of social stratification, one that can have far-reaching consequences. By isolating boys from girls, these schools are creating an environment where stereotypes and misconceptions about the opposite sex can thrive. Boys and girls are denied the opportunity to interact, learn from, and understand each other, leading to a lack of empathy and mutual respect. This can ultimately contribute to a more gender-unequal society, where boys and girls grow up with preconceived notions and biases about each other. By segregating students by sex, schools are missing a critical opportunity to foster a culture of inclusivity, respect, and understanding, and instead, are inadvertently perpetuating the very stereotypes and biases that they should be working to dismantle.

Schools that Teach to the Test

Many schools prioritize rote memorization and teaching to the test, rather than fostering critical thinking and creativity. This approach can lead to a narrow focus on standardized testing, where students are taught to regurgitate facts and formulas rather than think for themselves. As a result, students may excel in tests, but struggle to apply their knowledge in real-world situations. This type of education can also stifle curiosity and creativity, as students are not encouraged to ask questions, explore new ideas, or challenge the status quo. Furthermore, the emphasis on standardized testing can create a culture of stress and anxiety, where students feel pressured to perform well on tests rather than enjoying the learning process. By prioritizing rote memorization and teaching to the test, schools may be doing a disservice to their students, preparing them for a world that values conformity over creativity and innovation.