Grit: The power of passion and perseverance

Learning strategies are undeniably crucial, but so is grit. The kinds of things you need to learn in seventh grade math, sure, they're hard: ratios, decimals, the area of a parallelogram. But these concepts are not impossible, and I was firmly convinced that every one of my students could learn the material if they worked hard and long enough.

Growth Mindset

So far, the best idea I've heard about building grit in kids is something called "growth mindset." It is the belief that the ability to learn is not fixed, that it can change with your effort. Dr. Dweck has shown that when kids read and learn about the brain and how it changes and grows in response to challenge, they're much more likely to persevere when they fail, because they don't believe that failure is a permanent condition.

Growth Mindset: Clearing up Some Common Confusions